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In 2015, China Security Association will continue to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the CPC and the Third Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and strive to explore the work of the Association under the new situation around the purpose of "providing services, reflecting demands and regulating behavior" Characteristics and laws, adhere to emancipate the mind, reform and innovation, standardize management, improve services, give full play to the role of the bridge link to promote the healthy development of se...
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
In order to further study and implement the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fourth Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, on the afternoon of February 11, 2015, Jiangbei District SASAC Organization Department and its affiliated companies were held in Liangjiang Vocational School Conference Room Special meeting, to convey the spirit of learning "two meetings", the full deployment of the 2015 clean government and anti-corruption work tasks. The meeting was presided over by Comra...
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
Shenzhen SAR, Beijing, December 27 (Xinhua Zhuang Yuhui) Beidou satellite navigation system spokesman Ran Chengqi 27 in the State Council Information Office held a press conference, introduced the Beidou satellite navigation system to the Asia-Pacific region to provide services for a year Happening. From the current development and construction of the situation, China is expected to build around the world around the Compass satellite navigation system.On the same day, "Beidou satellite navigation system open service performance specification (version 1.0)" and "Beidou satellite ...
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
Continuous driving over 4 hours without rest, should be forced to stop; speed super speed and continued over 1 minute, should immediately notify the correction. Yesterday, the reporter was informed that the "Guangdong Provincial Department of Transportation on the road transport vehicle satellite positioning monitoring platform application management approach" (hereinafter referred to as "measures") has been reviewed by the provincial government, and will be February 1 next year from the official implementation.In accordance with the "approach" provisions, road tr...
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
Video analysis function in the car mobile monitoring system plays a "police" role, when the front-end monitoring equipment to capture video information to the back-end to send information before the intelligent analysis of image information will be analyzed and processed, filter useless video information, only to The back-end monitoring center transmits useful information that greatly reduces the occupancy of network bandwidth and storage space, while also improving the efficiency and accuracy of the staff in handling security incidents.Project Background and Application AnalysisAt p...
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
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