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Customer Service: 4001128001

Postal code: 518027

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Address: Guangdong Zhonganjinshi Building,No.2, First Lane, Dongfangnan,Xiacun,Longgang District,Shenzhen

In order to further study and implement the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fourth Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, on the afternoon of February 11, 2015, Jiangbei District SASAC Organization Department and its affiliated companies were held in Liangjiang Vocational School Conference Room Special meeting, to convey the spirit of learning "two meetings", the full deployment of the 2015 clean government and anti-corruption work tasks. The meeting was presided over by Comra...
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
Nearly ten days, the company has held a branch manager meeting, the branch office meeting, by the company temperature and professional staff to explain the "security intelligent management platform" operation and use. In the popularization, many managers and cadres have felt the "security intelligent management platform" simple and fast and fast characteristics. But also recognize the far-reaching significance of the implementation of scientific and technological means. Ampang branch of a wide range of people, the security point is more dispersed, the company specifically i...
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
Zhongan Jinshi company is located in the South Bay Wutong Mountain Huangshan Mountain East Lake Reservoir on the north side of the village, mountain mountain, fresh air, beautiful environment. In the construction of wide security service brand at the same time, the company also attaches great importance to the construction of office base functions.Company base covers an area of about 20,000 square meters, the office building a total of six, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of security, customer service department, conference room and branch offices are very comfortable and ...
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
Tianjin Huabao escort company successfully applied the vehicle intelligent management platform developed by Guangdong Zhong An Bao Management Co., Ltd., which is used in nearly 1,000 sorting vehicles, such as driving trajectory, speed, oil quantity, real-time video and daily management report Means to focus on the efficient management of vehicles, greatly enhanced the escort vehicle safety management, cost management, efficiency management.
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
As the development needs of our company, "Guangdong Security Management Co., Ltd." name from May 15, 2015 change registered as "Guangdong Zhongan Golden Lion Branch Co., Ltd.", when the original company "Guangdong Security Management Co., Ltd." Business by the "Guangdong Zhongan Golden Lion Branch Co., Ltd." to continue to operate. With immediate effect, all the company's internal and external documents, information, invoicing, bank account number, tax number, etc. all use the new company name.After the company changed its name, the main business and...
Release time: 2017 - 04 - 21
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Business Contacts:(0755)8361 1488
Customer Service: 4001128001
Postal code: 518027
Customer Service: 4001128001